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‌‌‌Yellow school bus transportation is available to elementary students who reside in Edmonton.  In order to receive transportation, a Request for Transportation form must be completed and submitted to the school. Edmonton Public Schools Transportation Department then establishes stops and assigns students to those stops. Transportation fees are set annually by the school board and are payable to Talmud Torah School in exchange for bus service. Bus pass fees may be paid annually by September 15, or monthly on or before the first school day of each month. Yellow bus passes are purchased at the school office.  Students must show their bus pass to the bus driver before getting on the bus.

Students who are not eligible for fixed route service may apply as a Conditional Rider. This means that the student can apply to receive yellow bus service from an existing bus stop that has been carried over from their previous elementary years or if they have a younger sibling at the school in Grades K-6. 

Fixed Route Kindergarten Application Form  

Fixed Route Application Form 

Conditional Application Form 

In order to cancel yellow school bus service for an upcoming month, the office needs to be notified 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the next month.  If notice is not given, the office will require payment for the month.