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  • Parking is only available on the streets.
  • Parents are to refrain from entering the reserved staff parking lot at all times.
  • Parents must follow all traffic signage, laws, and use designated crosswalks.

There are many children and parents coming to and from school – please move slowly and always be on the lookout while you are in your vehicle.

Drop-Off Procedures for Talmud Torah School and Early Learning Centre

The lay-by for morning drop-off is to be used only by parents dropping off students of Talmud Torah School. No one dropping off students to the Early Learning Centre is to use the lay-by and no one is allowed to park in the lay-by for any reason. Parents who wish to accompany their children to their boot room doors or sign in their children to the Early Learning Centre must park their cars somewhere other than the lay-by. Parents who park across the street from the school  must use the crosswalks at either end of the street.  Jaywalking is not only illegal but very dangerous. Edmonton Police Service has notified us that they have begun monitoring the area and will continue to do so.

Parents will drive to the end of the lay-by and students will exit the car only when the car has stopped in front of the lay-by supervisor (usually, but not always, the Principal). This means each parent must wait in line until the line has moved forward and their car is now in front of the supervisor. (See diagrams below.)

This means parents do not exit their car in the lay-by for any reason. If students need help opening or closing doors, the lay-by supervisor will assist them.  Students will then proceed to the playground and/or their assigned boot room doors.

Diagram 1 – Cars lined up to drop off students. Only Car #1’s children may exit.Diagram 2 - Cars have advanced forward one and now only Car #2’s children may exit.  

We continue to work with Edmonton Public Schools, City of Edmonton, Alberta Traffic Safety Council, and the Edmonton Police Services to ensure the safety of our students. However, the best way to ensure your children are safe is for YOU to abide by traffic laws, use common sense, and be a positive role model. As always, parents and community members are always reminded to choose safety over convenience.

We continue to look for parent volunteers to assist on parking patrol before and after school! Please contact the school if you are interested.