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School Profile

We are an inclusive K-6 community Jewish day school in the west end of Edmonton and our students come from a variety of areas of the city. The Talmud Torah Society owns the building and financially supports the integrated Judaic Studies program.

Beginning in Kindergarten, in addition to all the subjects learned as part of the Alberta Education program of studies, our students learn knowledge and appreciation for Jewish values, traditions, the Hebrew language, and the Land of Israel. Our students are provided with opportunities to explore Jewish identity through learning about and participating in Jewish religious and cultural festivals and Jewish life as part of the school’s program and the local community. Parents and members of the wider Jewish community are active participants in supporting the learning of our students.

We demonstrate a commitment to Jewish living. Kashrut (Jewish religious dietary laws) and Jewish holidays are observed, as well as the wearing of kipot. We teach from a multi-denominational perspective – meaning that there are many ways to observe and emphasize respect for practices which may differ from those observed at school, emphasizing tolerance and respect for different expressions of faith.  We foster within our students identification with the land and people of Israel, plus a distinct social consciousness and sense of responsibility for: 

  • kavod (respect and honor)
  • tzedakah (righteous justice)
  • shalom (peace/completeness)
  • tikkun olam (repairing the world)
  • gemilut hassadim (acts of loving-kindness/good deeds)
  • klal Yisrael (our interconnectedness with the entire Jewish nation)